INOCHI – The Book of Life (Eng | Deu)Product no.: pkp-1-464(268 pages) The real meaning of the search for the Kototama Principle is the search for the substance of self.
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The Real Sense of Natural Therapy (Eng | Deu)Product no.: pkp-1-556(172 pages) Fundamentals of natural healing, Kototama life principle, self-healing, exercises, nutrition, yin/yang
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My Past Way of Budo (Eng | Deu)Product no.: pkp-1-594(232 pages) Budo: Bu - physical movement; Do - Tao, Logos. The true way of physical action exactly follows the activity of a priori Life Will.
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INOCHI. The Book of LifeProduct no.: pkp-kb-inochi119 pages. The ancient principle of Kototama – The 50 life rhythms, including the 5 mother sounds combining with the 10 father rhythms
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The Real Sense of Natural TherapyProduct no.: pkp-kb-43371 pages. Sensei Nakazono, a master healer, transformed the "ancient" healing methods to follow the Kototama Principle.
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My Past Way of Budo. And other EssaysProduct no.: pkp-kb-402101 pages. Sensei Nakazono studied Aikido directly under O Sensei Ueshiba. The Kototama Principle changed his understanding of Aikido.
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The Source of the Present CivilizationProduct no.: pkp-kb-426243 pages. The most current explanation of the Kototama Principle and revelations about ancient times.
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The Source of the Old and New TestamentsProduct no.: pkp-kb-440241 pages. “In the beginning there was the Word” – The Old and New Testaments examined through the viewpoint of Kototama
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“Instead of looking outward at the objects surrounding him, the researcher must look within. He must study his own existence, his own capacities, the very cause of his desire to search. The Kototama Principle is the content of the subject of the universe – it is the source of the subjective capacities of human beings.” (The Source of the Present Civilization. Mikoto Masahilo Nakazono)
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