A free spirit will effortlessly and swiftly liberate another,
bound and oppressed spirit of the same nature.
(Henry Nollius. The Chemists Key)
I live and work as a freelance philosopher and entrepreneur in Merseburg an der Saale. I was born in 1973, founded my first company in 1996 and published my first book in 2003. For ten years I worked intensively on the work of Friedrich Nietzsche and in 2006 I wrote my second book, "Friedrich Nietzsche's Übermensch". My main interest is the development of a comprehensive understanding of existence. On this path, it is essential to leave behind mere thinking philosophy and to learn again with the body, as a whole, living human being in motion. Actually I work on the translation of the Kototama Books of Mikoto Masahilo Nakazono. If you are interested in talking to me, please feel free to contact me at any time. Phone: +49 172 3552864, E-mail: info@pierrekynast.de, Address: Pierre Kynast, P.O. Box 1602, 06206 Merseburg, Germany
Fudoshin Dojo MerseburgThe path of traditional Japanese martial arts (Budo) has always served primarily to realise the highest human abilities. |
My hectare earth... indivisible, not lendable, not seizable, not to expropriate, not to sell, not to tax - untouchable, inviolable ... |
Newsletter Pierre KynastInformation about my projects, books and other things that seem important to me. |
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Selbstbestimmung – No. 3, Spring/Summer 2023 (German)Product no.: sb2036 3.91 € *
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Es ist unsere Zukunft!Product no.: pkp-1-570(136 Seiten) Anthologie zum Schreibaufruf des Leseturm Literaturkreis Merseburg: Alles beginnt mit einem Gedanken.
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