The Source of the Old and New Testaments

Artikel-Nr.: pkp-kb-440

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The Source of the Old and New Testaments


Mikoto Masahilo Nakazono

241 pages. ISBN 9780971667440. Sound charts included

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"It is impossible to enumerate the different representations of the universe that one finds in the traditions, myths, religions and philosophies throughout the world. Each culture has its own theory, but to discover the link which unites them one only has to acces the viewpoint of the Kototama Principle. Their common source is also the source of our existence."

Mikoto Masahilo Nakazono dedicated his life to the study of Kototama, a priciple which has been hidden for over ten thousand years. He has handed us the fruit of his tireless research in order to decipher the hidden teachings of the Old and New Testaments.

The Old and New Testaments are examined through the viewpoint of Kototama, an ancient principle of sound and meaning. What does “God” mean? And “In the beginning there was the Word”?




I began my research with a Bible translated and published by the Japan Bible Society, an association founded in 1875 to promote Christian religion in Japan. The quotes from the final version come from Oxford Edition of "The New English Bible with the Apocrypha".

The Western world seems to have a great many versions of the Bible, with many different translations and interpretations, drawn from earlier or later manuscripts. The Bible of the Japan Bible Society is the first that was available to me. I cannot say how "good" or accurate it may be, but it is held to be a very faithful translation.

For me, the point is not the historical accuracy of a text. In this book, I hope to show a different way of reading the sacred texts of every tradition. I wish to try to explain how the Old and New Testaments can be decoded through the Kototama Principle.

The Kototama Principle is the root of the human life-will. If a human being grasps it fully, his every act, from moment to moment, follows the law of the universe. There can be no higher judgement or conscience.

The Bible is one of the most important books of our human legacy. Its real content, if it is read through the Kototama Principle, shows us the way back to the source of our life. I have already written many books on Kototama; I now want to show the life principle was presented in the founding books of our civilization. With my practice and my understanding, I wish to read the Bible in the light of the Kototama Principle and suggest the real meaning of its stories and its teaching: what Jesus and Moses were really saying.

The Bible, like most of the ancient texts which have reached us, speaks almost exclusively of the second civilization, our era. In this civilization, the truth could only be mentioned indirectly, in hints and parables.

All I can do here is to begin a very incomplete translation of the Bible. Since I cannot read the ancient languages in which it was written, my research has been based on the English and Japanese Bibles. Without the original sounds, I may have misunderstood some of the symbols. I could spend the rest of my life studying the Bible without ever completing the task; all I want to do is to show a different approach and give examples of how the Bible can be read from the viewpoint of the life principle.

I chose excerpts which seemed to reflect most clearly the Kototama Principle. In the Bible, the teachings of our ancestors are blended with regional and tribal histories. What interests me most are the words of ancient leaders; their point of view, and the way in which they influenced their peoples. I want to show that all over the world, through different symbols, these guides were speaking of the same truths.

I have not done much, but I feel this work is the most important I have ever undertaken. I hope someone will continue where I leave off and correct my mistakes. If my readers understand how I set about this study, they must try to complete it for themselves. They must take the Bible and try to read it more clearly than I was able to do, with all their concentration, one verse at a time. If this book can help one person to do this, I will be very grateful.


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