
orensys . OrgoneEnergySystems according to Wilhelm Reich

orensys OrgoneEnergySystems

orensys OrgoneEnergySystems

orensys Orgone Energy Systems develops and builds technical devices for the utilisation and research of life energy, Orgone

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OrgonEnergieSysteme I

Product no.: pkp-1-181

(72 Seiten) Einführung in die orgonotische Beeinflussung der Atmosphäre; Wolkenzerstäuben; Regenmachen; Orgonenergie; Cloudbuster

11.21 *
Delivery weight: 120 g

CloudBusterMini – CBM

Product no.: oes100

CloudBusterMini CBM: galvanized steel tube; Wood hinge; Safety caps; Flyer "Cloud Busting"

61.02 *
Delivery weight: 910 g

OrgonEnergieSysteme I + CloudBuster Mini

Product no.: oes100+pkp-1-181

Book: OrgonEnergieSysteme I; 72 pages + CloudBusterMini CBM; Galvanized steel tube; Wooden hinge

62.77 *
Delivery weight: 1,100 g

Net prices without VAT or delivery

orensys . OrgoneEnergySystems according to Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich was born in Galicia in 1897, studied medicine in Vienna and was a student of Sigmund Freud. While the National Socialists ruled Germany, he emigrated to Norway and from there to the USA just a few years later. Here he conducted research until the use of the orgone accumulators he had developed was banned and all his books and writings dealing with orgone energy were withdrawn from circulation. He died of heart failure in Lewisburg Prison, Pennsylvania, in 1957 shortly before the end of his prison sentence.


Bild: Associate Wardens Record Card for Wilhelm Reich